Outsource Your Customer Support to the Experts

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What is Live Chat

Live chat is a customer service tool that enables real-time communication between businesses and their customers.

Many companies build live chat software which can then be used by other companies.

For example, if you look at the chat widget in the lower right corner of this page, you’ll see that the software we use at HiredSupport is powered by Live Chat

The software code is embedded into the website and live chat shows up in the form of a widget. 

On the other end of the widget, there’s either an agent or a chatbot that responds to customer queries.

Example of a live chat widget:

Live chat widgets Hired Support

It provides instant support, allowing customers to ask questions and receive answers quickly.

Common Definitions 

  1. Live Chat: A real-time text-based communication method used by companies to provide customer support through instant messaging platforms or website chat windows.

  2. Chat Widget: The visible interface on a website or app that allows users to initiate a live chat conversation with customer support representatives (such as ours in the lower right corner).

  3. Chatbot: An artificial intelligence (AI) powered tool that can answer basic questions and provide support through automated responses.

  4. Pre-Chat Form: A form presented to users before initiating a chat, often used to collect information such as name, email address, and the nature of the inquiry.

  5. Chat Queue: A waiting line for customers who are attempting to connect with a live chat support representative. Queues help manage high volumes of chat requests and ensure that customers receive assistance in a timely manner.

  6. Chat Routing: The process of directing live chat inquiries to the appropriate support representative based on factors such as expertise, availability, or customer needs.

  7. Proactive Chat: A feature that allows support representatives to initiate conversations with website visitors, often based on visitor behavior or predetermined rules.

    Recommended: How Live Chat Increases Sales and Conversions

  8. Chat History: A record of previous live chat conversations between a customer and support representative, which can be reviewed for reference or quality control purposes.

  9. Chat Rating: A feedback mechanism that allows customers to rate their chat experience, providing valuable insights for improving support quality and performance.

  10. Chat Transcripts: Written records of live chat conversations, which can be sent to customers for their reference or used internally for training and quality control.

  11. Response Time: The amount of time it takes for a customer support representative to reply to a customer’s message during a live chat conversation.

  12. Co-browsing: A feature that enables support representatives to view and interact with a customer’s browser in real-time, assisting with navigation, form completion, or troubleshooting.

  13. Chat Analytics: The process of collecting and analyzing live chat data to gain insights into customer behavior, support performance, and areas for improvement.

  14. Chat Integration: The connection of live chat software with other tools or platforms, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems or helpdesk software, to streamline support processes and maintain a centralized record of customer interactions.

  15. Live Chat Etiquette: A set of best practices and guidelines for customer support representatives to follow during live chat interactions, such as using a friendly tone, addressing customers by name, and providing clear and concise information.

Also Read: Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Call Center Replace Human Agents?

Live Chat Best Practices

  1. Be friendly and approachable: As a live chat representative, you should be friendly and approachable toward the customer. This includes sending a personalized greeting to the customer and responding to them in a friendly manner. 

  2. Listen carefully and empathize: Empathy is one of the most important qualities for a customer support agent. Pay attention to what the customer is saying, and try to understand their feelings and concerns. 

  3. Keep it clear and concise: What makes live chat great is that it is quick, clear, and concise. Make sure that you provide to-the-point answers and avoid complicated terms that might confuse the customers. 

  4. Stay patient and professional: At times, you might come across a difficult customer. They might be upset or frustrated. It’s important to stay calm and patient in these situations and to always maintain a professional attitude. Just remember that your goal is to help them and provide a solution, not to get into an argument.

  5. Follow up and ensure satisfaction: After addressing the customer’s issue, make sure to check if they are satisfied with the solution provided. If there’s anything else they need help with, offer your assistance and ensure they leave the chat with a positive experience.

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