Outsource Your Customer Support to the Experts


The Complete Guide to eCommerce Support: What You Need to Know to Get Started

How to support eCommerce businesses?

E-commerce is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the industry. If you want to enter this space, you need a strong knowledge base of how to provide customer support for online stores.

You’ve got an online store, and now you’re looking for ways to stand out.

You’ve heard about the importance of providing excellent customer service. But what does this all mean?

I’ll walk you through the basics, what you need to know to get started, and then we’ll dive into the details to make things clear.

A successful eCommerce business should provide a seamless experience for the customer and the customer service department.

Online businesses are going to experience huge growth in the coming years. That’s not to say there aren’t any competitors out there.

But the growth potential is huge. There are a lot of new and innovative ideas and services. However, there are also a lot of problems to be dealt with.

Many people have problems figuring out the right way to start an online store.

They may be unsure of the basics of how to market their products. Or they simply don’t know what to expect once they launch.

Many people are afraid to commit to an online store. Some people will tell you that they could do a better job of it, or they could open their online store if they wanted. However, you are running an online business to sell products. 

Customer service is the lifeblood of eCommerce businesses:

Just like in any other business, customer service is the lifeblood of eCommerce businesses. However, you’ve got a different challenge when it comes to eCommerce.

That’s because your customer service is mostly going to be directed at people who aren’t located in your physical store.

To get the customer service you need for your online business, you have to maintain relationships with your customer and create good experiences for them.

What is eCommerce customer service?

Customer service is what happens when a customer calls or visits your website, asks a question or comments on your product, etc.

And customer service is what you want to provide. It’s the outcome, not just what you do. It’s what you do, but only after you know what they want and how they want it.

It’s how you give support to your customers. You need to know what they want and you need to respond to what they need quickly and efficiently.

E-commerce customers expect the ability to get help when they need it, and not wait around. All of this is why it’s so important to provide eCommerce customer service.

What is good eCommerce customer service?

Good eCommerce customer service is defined as being helpful and understanding to your customers.

It means delivering a great online shopping experience for your customers and then following up with a quick and efficient response. This can be through email, phone, or live chat.

You should always remember that your customers come first. If you’re unhappy with your online store or unsatisfied with an order, make sure you’re addressing the problem.

What is bad eCommerce customer service?

The idea of eCommerce customer service is to ensure that the customer is happy and enjoys shopping in your store.

It’s all about making customers feel comfortable when they’re looking at your store, browsing and trying out products, and contacting you for support.

In some cases, the customer might have other problems with their purchases, or maybe they had some technical issue.

It doesn’t matter: if they are happy with their purchase, they should be happy with your customer service. What are the main things to consider when running your own eCommerce business?

E-commerce customer service has to be of great importance, especially if you want to have a large number of customers.

There are a few key things that you need to think about before you begin providing this service. You’re running an online store. You want to grow the business, but it can be overwhelming.

To keep up with the growing demand, you’ll need to provide consistent customer service for your online store.

And you can’t expect to hire dozens of customer service representatives and expect them to be able to handle it. So what is eCommerce customer service, and what are the basic requirements for your online store?

Let’s start with the basics of what is customer service, and how you can provide it to your customers.

What is customer service?

Customer service is a phrase used to describe a variety of customer support situations. The most obvious example is when someone is having an issue with their purchase.

Put simply, eCommerce customer service refers to the business-to-customer (B2C) interactions and support needed to create, run, and market a business selling products online.

This includes everything from the website, where customers come to find product information, purchase products, and more, to the customer service chat function, or live phone support for eCommerce retailers.

Why should you care?

eCommerce customer service has become one of the top priorities for a successful eCommerce retailer, especially in today’s customer-centric, high-volume retail landscape.

It’s expected that in the United States, eCommerce sales will grow to more than $414 billion in 2020. An increase of 24.9 percent from the $288 billion expected to be spent in 2018, according to Statista.

Why is eCommerce customer service so important?

Customer service plays a very important role in selling and marketing products online. E-commerce businesses often have multiple products to sell and a few customers per day.

While they might generate a lot of business in the near term, they won’t generate a lot of loyalty and success unless they take the time to understand their customers and know what their wants and needs are.

E-commerce support increases customer lifetime value (CLTV):

Customer service also plays a very important role in increasing customer lifetime value (CLTV).

The higher your CLTV, the more customers you’ll have throughout a customer’s lifetime and the longer they will stay with your company. Customer service is vital to a successful eCommerce business.

The more customers you get, the more you can sell. The more sales you make, the more profits you’ll make.

If you want to compete, you’ve got to have a solid understanding of how to provide excellent customer service, and you’ve got to be ready to deliver it to every single person who visits your website, buys from you, or shares your brand with someone else. It all starts with your website’s first impression.

E-commerce is the fastest-growing segment of the retail industry:

There’s a good chance you’ve considered getting into the online business sales space. Here’s why it makes sense: E-commerce is the fastest-growing segment of the retail industry.

Digital sales in the United States continue to grow year after year. Online sales of electronics are projected to grow the fastest.

E-commerce is also the most convenient way for a business to provide a service. To get started selling online, you don’t have to buy or rent your physical store.

You can run an online store from anywhere with an internet connection and can communicate with customers from anywhere you have access to a computer. Online businesses continue to grow in number and popularity.

With increased accessibility, the opportunities and tools for entrepreneurs to reach and engage a wide audience have never been greater.

The beauty of eCommerce is that you have a larger customer base than in physical stores. This is great for consumers because it means they can more easily buy and explore their options.

However, it can be difficult for the online store to compete with the experience of walking into a store and finding what they’re looking for.

Customer service is the number one factor of eCommerce:

The top issue that prevents customers from experiencing the full potential of eCommerce is customer service.

This is the number one factor that customers consider when making purchasing decisions, and it has an impact on success. eCommerce customer service isn’t something new.

It is a very old concept, one that has proven to be successful for years. But today, it is a highly demanded skill set that companies want to see and recognize from their customers.

It also helps when companies want to protect themselves from legal action or lawsuits.

How to optimize your customers’ online experience?

The more online stores there are, the bigger the competition is, and the more successful it is to provide exceptional customer service.

Over the years, successful companies have had massive followings that can make or break an entire brand. Many eCommerce businesses provide customer support through live chat and instant messaging services.

You need to know what it takes to provide quality customer service and have a way of evaluating customer service.

Most people have a good idea of how to communicate with people. They know how to write emails, make calls, and utilize social media. But beyond these basics, there is a whole world of customer service you need to learn about.

What does eCommerce customer service entail?

Customers are on your side, and customer service is the key to your business’s success. People buy from you because they like you and they trust you. That’s why you need to provide excellent customer service.

Improve the customer experience:

When people go online, they expect a very similar experience that they’ve come to expect from your retail store.

You need to provide a safe environment where customers can shop, read your information, get expert advice, and get back to work.

That’s why you need to do these five things: Provide a positive shopping experience. You should have clear policies for your site, support tickets, and other service information.

One of the best ways to boost your business is through strong customer service. Let’s face it, your customers are an important part of your marketing campaign.

That’s why it’s imperative to offer top-notch customer support. Your customers expect you to listen to their needs. They also expect you to deliver the best possible service.

After all, your customer service is your number-one selling point. And customer service isn’t just about listening to customers. You also need to provide solutions to their problems. Consider the following:

Gather customer service needs from your customer base:

When a customer has a problem, they should be able to connect with you and be directed to the right person to solve the issue.

“What do we mean by customer service?” I hear you say. I have you here right now, and I know you’re starting to get a feel for all the things that it entails.

Customer service is more than just friendly customer service, although that’s an important part of it. It also involves asking customers all the right questions and providing the right solutions to problems.

You need to address issues before they become problems.

A lot of that can be done in your support system, but it’s not all about what you do on the computer. In today’s increasingly fast-paced world, we live in a world that goes outside the computer.

Where our phones, tablets, and televisions are constantly connected to the internet. We send emails, make phone calls, and search the web.

Being a business owner means you have to be in customer service all the time.

You’re working hard to create something unique that people will love, and you have to be willing to put in the time and effort to show customers your appreciation.

With online stores, you can show your customers, like the photo below, that you value their opinions and want to provide the best possible service.

Online stores like Etsy or Quirky, where customers can share and create things they love, are a perfect example of eCommerce customer service in action.

And although eCommerce service isn’t always sold as a feature on storefronts, most online stores do have a customer service department that answers calls, emails, and posts blog posts. 

Defining the problem for the customer:

When you’re first starting an online store, it’s important to figure out the problem that the customer is having and try to understand the severity of the problem.

Ask the customer if the issue they’re facing is more of a nuisance, or if it’s more serious, such as a technical difficulty that is causing them to have a frustrating customer experience.

This gives you an idea of what to be prepared for, and what questions to ask the customer. Here’s an example: A customer is having difficulty downloading items from your website.

This problem can become more serious if it’s affecting the entire order. First, you need to know what you’re trying to solve for the customer.

Is it selling a product? Is it helping someone complete an order? Whatever the answer is, you need to understand the customer’s problem.

You want to build a service with the customer in mind. It’s important to understand that customer service can be broken down into two parts.

First, you’re trying to create a personalized, consultative customer experience for your customer, and second, you’re striving to provide quick and efficient responses to questions.

Connecting the dots:

You’re going to get a lot of questions from customers during your business, so you’ll need to provide answers fast.

At first glance, it may seem easy to help someone who is having a problem with their product. It may not have been an intentional misunderstanding, or it may have been a typo on your part.

Either way, the customer deserves to be helped. That is the role of the customer service representative. What this role requires is two things: knowledge of your product and a deep understanding of the customer.

The importance of knowing the product. Before you get started, you need to know your products inside and out.

If you don’t, you are likely to make some of the most important decisions wrong. You want to know exactly what your customers are looking for.

Then you can provide them with accurate information and content. This is the most important part of customer service.

If you sell a product, you must first understand the problem your customer is experiencing with the product. Is it broken? What happened?

You’ll need to consider what steps you would take to rectify the problem. If the problem is a customer order problem, it may be necessary to provide a refund.

Solve customer problems and provide the customer with a great experience:

If it’s an order placed by mistake, you may have to let the customer keep the item and contact their bank for a refund.

If you sell a service, the customer may be upset because the problem wasn’t resolved satisfactorily, and he or she is considering returning the item for a refund or exchange.

When we solve customer problems, it’s not just satisfying the customer.

We’ve also been able to provide the customer with a great experience. In business, a lot of people think customer service means making the customer happy. But that’s not what customer service means at all.

When you’re talking about customer service, you’re talking about solving a problem for the customer. Yes, it’s nice to make the customer happy, but you can’t focus just on that.

You’ve got to see that you’re fulfilling a need. There has to be a need for your product, and then figure out how you’re going to solve that need.

As an eCommerce owner, you’ve got customers, but you’re not a single person. You’re a collective entity – part business owner, part IT professional, part accountant.

How are you going to take care of your customers? You’ve got to make sure you’re dealing with the problem from their point of view, too.

Understanding the customer’s needs:

A customer service background is about identifying the needs and wants of your customers. The first step is to know who your customers are.

Do you have a blog about cat merchandise? If so, would your blog readers care about a course on crafting with cat litter?

The answers to these questions will help you learn what your customers want from your business. How can you implement the ideas that customers are asking for?

You’ll need customer service tools. What’s the best thing that can happen if you can’t take the time to meet with customers on your own?

That’s right, you need customer service software that can hold a conversation with your customers.

In this guide, you’ll learn how you can add customer support to your website using chat-based platforms like Zendesk.

First, it’s important to understand the kinds of customer support most successful eCommerce stores provide.

The first thing you need to do is to develop a sound understanding of the shopping needs of your customers.

This includes the typical demographics of customers, the types of products they buy, and their purchasing habits.

Once you know these things, you can develop your customer profile to help you target your specific audience with the kind of products you offer.

Know your competition:

You should also think about your competitors. What do they do that you could do better? If you don’t know your competition, don’t expect to beat them.

Try to keep up with their updates, learn as much as you can about what their typical customers are doing, and find out what makes their sites.

Your job as an eCommerce expert is to provide support to your clients. This means you need to understand the problems that your client has and the things they can’t do.

You want to provide them with answers and solutions that are as easy to do as possible. It’s your responsibility to find ways for them to have the best experience possible when visiting your store.

This means you need to work with their specific needs, rather than trying to fit into your clients’ expectations. A bit of reading, and you’ll be well on your way.

You can find some great articles about providing customer support on your industry’s website. Read as many of these as you can, and see what resonates with you.

You can also use a library of information to help you build up your knowledge. Customer support is one of the most important aspects of any online business.

The results from the research you conducted earlier will indicate that people who use eCommerce are extremely responsive to good customer service. Do you need any more convincing?

With so many customers shopping online, the lines are blurring. People do want to be treated with respect and dignity. If you treat them badly, they will run.

Your customer service philosophy has to be about making their shopping experience as enjoyable as possible.

Basic customer support tips:

There are many different ways to provide customer service in eCommerce. The only absolute requirement is to have a real person on the phone who can answer questions. 

It’s not enough to simply recognize the business you’re entering. You have to know how your customers shop and how they think.

You also need to know how your product is going to differ from competitors. This will give you insight into what they are looking for. Conventional wisdom says that customers want to see photos of your products.

I’ve personally found that this is not always true. A simple “likes” on Instagram isn’t enough. For starters, customers who like your products may have already done so in the past.

They don’t just want to see new stuff. They want to see an experience that matches their personal needs.

You need to know what your customers want and find ways to incorporate that into the shopping experience. You also need to know where to start.

When people talk about customer service, they usually refer to the customer’s interaction with the business, the quality of the customer service, and what the customer is looking for in their experiences.

However, the true benefit of customer service is what it does to build brand loyalty.

By providing great customer service, a business not only secures its customer’s business, but they are also ensuring a loyal customer base.

That loyalty will likely increase as the business begins to specialize in its area of expertise.

A business that values customer service will not only have a fun, friendly environment in which to work but will also invest in high-quality, reliable products and services.

You will attract loyal customers, and that loyalty will translate into sales.

Offering solutions:

First, let’s look at the basics. There are three ways that your customer service can impact the way customers interact with your site:

1. Fulfilling customer requests.
2. Treating customers as valuable people.
3. Providing opportunities to earn money.

E-commerce customer service is crucial for the customer service aspect of your business because these interactions can be critical to the success of your business.

An ideal customer service experience will help you meet many different needs and will keep customers coming back to your site.

Keep these tips in mind when you’re building out your customer service program. By the way, you don’t have to wait for everyone to be a first-time customer.

Consider adding your support staff to the clients of your current customers. Everyone understands that customer service is essential.

What some people might not realize is that the key to successful customer service is selling something. What will get your customers to buy from you?

Most people will just check out the products you offer and find somewhere else to shop. These are not the people you want to reach.

Your best salespeople are the ones who already know your products and know what your customers want.

Tips to succeed:

Keep it simple. Your customers don’t want to learn a whole new system just to make an online purchase. Keep your system simple.

It should contain all the information they need to start shopping and check out quickly. Remember, you’re selling a product, not answering the telephone.

Businesses in all industries need to know how to provide customer support.

Many small businesses can create a website, order products, answer customer emails and help with customer service.

E-commerce is no different. E-commerce has exploded in the last few years, and while many of you have heard of online stores, few of you know how to get started.

If you’re a website owner and don’t know how to provide customer support for your site, you are missing out on a massive opportunity.

The truth is that even the smallest website owner can provide customer support for their site. Many eCommerce companies do have a paid support system that you can join to offer customer support, but you don’t need that to start.

In the beginning, your customers may be asking basic questions that you can answer in a few minutes. As your business grows, you’ll need to become a more specialized company.

Look for the following ways to provide customer service:

1. Preventing any issues from arising:

The key to good customer service is preventing issues from arising. If you make it easy for a customer to reach you, you can minimize misunderstandings and problems.

If someone can’t reach you on the phone, they’ll email or talk to someone in person. Do this early on, and you’ll be able to prevent major issues from becoming huge.

2. Avoiding frustrating experiences:

Customer service is important, but it should never be a frustrating experience. You can’t make a customer feel bad, but you can prevent a bad customer.

I can’t stress enough the importance of being able to offer solutions. There are tons of different products in the marketplace, and they have different uses.

Customer service is crucial because not all customers know about all these different uses. In addition, not all customers know about all the products or services that they can get.

Providing solutions, and being able to offer solutions to customers, is what separates quality businesses from mediocre ones.

It’s what will help you gain the trust of your customers, and it’s what will help you win over more customers. Being able to help customers solve their problems is very important.

Especially in today’s marketplace. One of the biggest mistakes I see business owners make when they’re setting up an online store is focusing too much on their products or their pricing.

Instead, it’s all about what customers can do to help you. They’re looking for ways to solve their problems and provide solutions to their customers.

This way, you give your customers a reason to come back, because the company takes the approach of, “What can we do to help my customers?”.

Clear communication:

Let’s start with the communications. Online stores are typically used for the majority of the time by customers.

That means that your eCommerce store should have a reliable and easy-to-use online shop. Let’s face it: if you run a brick-and-mortar store, you’re unlikely to do anything with your product except to sell it.

How to provide eCommerce customer service to your customers?

You’ve created an amazing online store, and now it’s time to move your business to the next level. There are many things you need to consider to run a successful eCommerce business.

That’s why we’re here to walk you through a short overview of the steps you should take to run an excellent, customer-focused eCommerce business.

If you want to have a successful eCommerce business, you need to be fully aware of your company’s customer service.

However, if you’re looking for a way to stand out and get customers talking, you need to provide excellent customer service. In other words, if you want to build customer loyalty, you need to provide excellent customer service.

Your customers will feel differently about you and your company if you provide excellent customer service. Customer service is all about meeting your customer’s needs and exceeding their expectations.

When a customer is interacting with your eCommerce site, there are several things you can do to improve the customer experience.

You can provide additional information to customers, provide information to them that they need, and get a chance to reply.

You can provide communication via phone, text message, email, and social media. You can send notifications and promotions to customers, which allows you to keep them in the loop.

You can provide personalized customer service by educating customers about your products or services. The Internet is the Wild West.

There are boundless opportunities to go wrong and many thieves out there waiting to steal your customers. Some of the best eCommerce websites out there have had to go through a terrible customer support journey.

But with a bit of know-how, a bit of creativity, and a lot of dedication, you too can provide an excellent customer service experience to your customers.

Before you dive into providing excellent customer service, let’s go over some of the basics to set you up for success.

Understand your customers:

You’ve got a store online. Your potential customers are clicking on your site. Now what? How do you approach them and make them feel at home? In other words, how do you want to serve them?

Find out what your target customer’s pain points are:

You’re probably starting to think about a nice, easy answer that will make your customer happy. Let me be clear, it’s a lot more complicated than that.

You should provide a lot more than excellent customer service. As an eCommerce merchant, you should look at customer service as a separate entity.

Sure, customer service is part of eCommerce, but it’s an independent entity. The way to make this work well is to segment your customers so you can get the highest level of customer service out of them.

How to get started with eCommerce support?

This is not to say that you’re cut out to be an eCommerce expert. Being great at one thing doesn’t mean you’re great at everything.

Not everyone can sell cars or write blogs. So what’s the answer? Well, the answer is customer support, and we’ll take a look at the full set of tips below. This post is split into four parts.

In this first part, we’ll cover the basics you need to know to get started. There are two ways to approach building a robust eCommerce website and supporting it with customer service.

You can start small, with just one or two product categories or unique services, and focus on building a rapport with customers and offering a personalized touch.

The customer is your dream critic:

The key to selling online is to provide excellent customer service. When you get a call from someone interested in your product, you want to answer the call quickly and efficiently.

If you make it too complicated, it can turn people off. You want to eliminate the emotion from your communication.

Do the people want your product?

Many times, people are unsure about the products or services they’re looking at. It’s very important to show them the positive side of your product.

There are many uses for USB charging cables. It’s okay to make fun of them. But a product is nothing without people who want it and buy it.

Let’s get this out of the way first. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. What works for one person won’t necessarily work for another.

What will work for one store could be completely ineffective for another. This doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t be providing excellent customer service for your online store.

Customers are the number one resource that your company has, and you need to make sure that they are satisfied with what you offer.

This is one of the biggest differences between brick-and-mortar stores and online stores. People will go elsewhere if they aren’t satisfied with the products and services that you provide.

So what do you need to know to get started?

Having a good grasp of customer service best practices. If you’re a new company or an established online. Many eCommerce sites fail before they even get started because their customer service is non-existent.

If you are one of those people, I’m here to tell you that you can get customer service up and running today.

The first step is to have a very clear picture of what you want to achieve. This is often tough because many people are trying to add new services and products to their existing product offerings.

I’ve seen countless eCommerce sites come and go because they simply didn’t know what they wanted.

Now, I’m not saying you have to have all the products that you want to sell, but I do want you to have a good understanding of the products that your customers will want.

You can always add new products later, but you need to have a very clear picture of what your customers want.

Establishing a solid customer support strategy is difficult. The business of eCommerce support is almost completely uncharted territory.

However, there are a few key principles that can help you build an effective program. The number one priority is to provide excellent customer service.

When a customer has a problem, you need to be able to solve it quickly. If you don’t, you’ll be losing sales. It’s also critical that you provide customers with timely, understandable information.

However, there are three key components to this process. First, you need a comprehensive customer support program.

Make sure that every employee at your eCommerce store is trained on this process. Second, have clear, concise, and consistent policies in place.

Don’t leave yourself open to legal action. Customer service is becoming a key part of your eCommerce business. As an eCommerce professional, you must learn the skills necessary to provide excellent customer support.

However, you can’t take any of it for granted. If you’re starting, you may need to do a lot of research before you start developing customer service strategies.


No doubt that eCommerce support can surely take your business to heights that you have not even imagined.

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