Outsource Your Customer Support to the Experts

June 16, 2022
How to Maximize the Performance of Your Email Campaigns

Table of Contents To know how to maximize the performance of your email campaigns, you first need to understand what contributes to their success. As a digital marketing expert with about four years of experience in crafting successful email campaigns

Featured image for a blog titled "The Great Chatbot Debate - Do Consumers Really Want Them"
June 16, 2022
The Great Chatbot Debate: Do Consumers Really Want Them?

Table of Contents Chatbots are the newest trend in customer service, as several large companies have started using them to answer basic questions about their products and services. You must've used them as well without realizing because they're getting smarter

A man covering his ears depicting ignorance
June 16, 2022
Customer Neglect: How Businesses Lose Out by Ignoring Customers

In plain words, when a customer is actively ignored by people who work at the business they're trying to engage with, it is called customer neglect. Your customers are just that — customers. That means they pay you to provide

Live chat conversion ratios
June 16, 2022
The Impact of Live Chat on Conversion Ratios

Customer service agents are turning to live chat to make their companies more efficient, streamline their support teams, and serve customers better overall. This approach has its benefits and drawbacks but ultimately can be quite helpful to your business if

A person working on customer experience
June 16, 2022
The Top 5 Things You Need to Know About CX

Businesses are always looking to improve their customer experience (CX) to get more leads and keep customers coming back for more. But what does that mean, exactly? At its core, CX boils down to making sure the customer has a

An animation of a person depicting live chat KPIs
May 8, 2022
5 Ways to Maximize Success Through Live Chat KPIs

Table of Contents As the world is evolving so is interacting with the customers. The world has become a global village and companies now are leaning towards digital means for their customer experience. You'll be glad to hear that 62%

A team discussing workflows
May 8, 2022
How to Streamline Your Customer Service Workflow

Streamlining Your Customer Service Workflow Customer service has gotten some pretty bad press in recent years due to how poorly some companies treat their customers, but there’s no reason you can’t use customer service as an opportunity to strengthen your

A person showing productivity by having a lot of tasks
May 8, 2022
How to Outsource Live Chat Operators for Maximum Productivity

Maximizing Live Chat Operators' Productivity By Outsourcing Them Live chat operators are an easy way to improve your customer service and increase sales without adding full-time staff or hiring temporary help. But how do you know how many live chat

Customer support representative laughing at the camera
May 8, 2022
10 Eye-Opening Reasons to Outsource Customer Support

In an eye-opening study, Deloitte discovered that 57% of businesses globally have benefited from outsourcing at least one aspect of their operations, with customer support often leading the charge. This statistic shows the changing landscape of the corporate sector. It

Image of a laptop screen displaying a 'Business Growth' slide with various upward trending graphs.
May 8, 2022
The Relationship between Customer Service and Revenue

Companies often overlook the relationship between customer service and revenue. While companies believe that revenue depends on marketing and quality, customer service is equally as important. That's not just a claim - customer experience statistics reveal that a 5% increase

Different chat greetings in English
May 7, 2022
The Top 10 Chat Greetings

You might be surprised to learn that hi and hello are not the only chat greetings in the world. There are lots of chat greetings you can use, some with hidden meanings and some with regional variations! In this post,

Customer experience and reviews
May 7, 2022
What is Customer Experience and Why It Matters

Why CX Matters? The customer experience (CX) has become one of the hottest topics in business today, and we can see why when you look at the statistics. Global spending on CX solutions will reach $15 billion by 2020, up

Finding an outsourcing agency
May 7, 2022
How to Find an Outsourcing Agency

Do you need help with your business, but don’t have the budget to hire in-house employees? Outsourcing your tasks to an outsourcing agency can be a great way to improve efficiency and get things done while also saving money. However,

February 10, 2022
The 10 Best Live Chat Software 2023 Reviews

What is Live Chat Software Live chat software helps provide customers with instant responses, automate customer support with the help of a chatbot, and consequently, increase conversions. It is added to a website in the form of code, which displays

February 6, 2022
Outsourcing Customer Service and Support Services in 2022

Looking to save some time and money? If you’re an entrepreneur, there are plenty of things you need to focus on that don’t relate to your business, so hiring someone to help can not only free up your time but

Shopify store management and profitability
February 6, 2022
How to Make Your Shopify Store Profitable

Before starting your own Shopify store, it’s important to know that it won’t be instantly profitable. Building your Shopify store will take time and patience, but with the right strategy you can have an extremely profitable store that brings in

how to be an amazon store manager
February 6, 2022
Steps to Become an Amazon Store Manager

Table of Contents The Amazon store platform allows you to set up your own online storefront for other Amazon shoppers to browse and purchase products from. As an Amazon store manager, you’ll be responsible for building and maintaining the storefront,

November 27, 2021
Outsourcing Human Resources: Make Your HR Team even More Efficient

Human resources (HR) is a major department for any company. It’s no secret that human resources teams are massively overworked and under resourced. This is due to the responsibilities of HR such as recruitment, employee relations, benefits, and payroll. If

November 21, 2021
The Benefits of Outsourcing Your HR Department To A Professional Company

Outsourcing your HR Department As a business owner, you may not have the time or resources to manage your human capital. You might find that you are stretched too thin or overwhelmed with HR tasks. Fortunately, there are alternatives to

A person with a magnifier in data trends graph.
November 19, 2021
Customer Service Trends: How To Keep Up With New Tech, Communication Methods

Trends of Customer Service To Keep Up With Customer service has changed. The days are over of just answering the phone, taking orders, and providing technical support. Customers want quick responses, effective solutions to their problems, and personal relationships with

October 10, 2021
The 10 Qualities of Great Leaders That Make Them The Best

The Best Leadership Qualities Leadership qualities are hard to master, and it is a work in progress. With these qualities, leaders can do a lot more for their team members. Leadership qualities are not something that people have innately. They

October 10, 2021
How to Outsource Customer Support For Entrepreneurs

What is Outsourcing Outsourcing is the process of hiring an external service to perform a task or provide a product in place of a product or service that was traditionally provided in-house. When you first start your own business, one of

October 10, 2021
How to Hire Customer Support: The Nuts and Bolts of Hiring the Right People

Customer support is an essential part of any business. The customer support team is often the first face that customers see, and their success can often mean the difference between a loyal customer and a one-time customer. With so many

October 9, 2021
Why Outsourcing Real Estate Is a Great Idea: How to Save Time and Money

The housing market is a complicated place. Especially if you're not a real estate professional. In order to sell or buy a home, you have to research the area and compare prices. You also have to put in all the

Effective customer support strategy for business.
September 22, 2021
8 Steps to Craft an Effective Customer Support Strategy

A customer support strategy is an essential part of any business’s marketing plan. The strategy aims to reduce the number of customer service inquiries coming in while simultaneously improving the quality of responses. If your company doesn’t have a customer

How to start a business : steps to launch your business.
September 14, 2021
How to Start a Business: Steps to Take Before You Launch

Starting your own business can be exciting, but also overwhelming. There are so many questions to consider: What if it fails? How do I get started? How do I know what to do first? There is no one-size-fits-all answer for

Customer service skills to make your customer happy.
September 11, 2021
Customer Service Skills to Keep Your Customers Happy

It's the age of social media. We all have to be customer service representatives now. And yet, as a company, you can't just tweet your way out of a bad situation. You need to go the extra mile and connect

Hire live chat agents.
September 8, 2021
Hire Live Chat Agents: The Best Way To Get More Customers

Running a business is hard. You need to make sure your website looks great, create an enticing marketing campaign, and keep up with the latest trends in your industry. But there is one thing you can do that will make

Digital marketing with speaker and emojis exploding.
September 6, 2021
How Digital Marketing Has Changed Everything: The New Rules of Brand Engagement

Digital marketing is a rapidly changing field. It's also the most powerful and comprehensive form of marketing available to brands today. Here, are some tips for how to use digital marketing to promote your brand and engage your customers. What

Outsourcing for accountants.
September 4, 2021
5 Important Reasons You Should Outsource Accounting Services

Outsourcing for Accountants Tax season is coming up again, and many people are turning to outsourcing for assistance. This can seem overwhelming at first, but there are plenty of reasons why it’s a good idea. Here are five important reasons

Ladder going upward in the sky.
August 27, 2021
How To Succeed in Your Small Business: The Secret Sauce for Success

Starting your own small business is a challenge. Not only do you need to figure out how to establish your brand and create a competitive product, but you also need to build an audience and find the right marketing channels.

Growth hacking and outsourcing.
August 23, 2021
What is Growth Hacking and Why You Should Outsource

What is Growth Hacking? Growth hacking is a method of marketing that relies on unconventional techniques to grow a business. The goal is to get a lot of people to use the product or service as quickly as possible. Growth

Outbound calling that convert prospects.
August 19, 2021
9 Tips to Make Outbound Calls Successful and Convert

Outbound calls are one of the most effective methods of prospecting. However, they can be tricky to execute well. Prospecting calls can be stressful, and you might find it difficult to stay on script. Here are some tips that will

Car dealership leads generation.
August 2, 2021
The Best Ways to Get Car Dealer Leads: How To Get Your Message Out There

You want to get new customers, but what if you don't know where to start? The car industry is extensive with many different types of dealerships and models. A lot of the time it might feel like a big fish

Virtual assistant working
July 28, 2021
What are Virtual Assistants? The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

What are Virtual Assistants? The Ultimate Beginner's Guide How do you feel about the idea of having a personal assistant? Do you think it sounds like a luxurious experience or perhaps a little too high-maintenance? For some people, virtual assistants

Social media post icons and laptop with mouse and headphones flowing
July 25, 2021
The Best Ways to Get Professional Social Media Chat Support

Social media is an extremely powerful tool to grow your business. It has the power to get you in front of millions of people and allow you to start conversations with them. But what do you do when there's a

Automotive car lead generation and dollars flowing out.
July 17, 2021
10 Proven Ways to Get More Automotive Leads

If you’re in the automotive industry and you’ve been wondering how to get more leads, you’ve come to the right place. You know how difficult it can be to find new leads. Fortunately, there are many ways to generate automotive

Facebook ads and messsenger support interactions.
July 12, 2021
Maximize Conversions: Outsource Facebook Ads to Boost Sales

Facebook's potential advertising reach is 2.08 billion people, and the largest demographic of Facebook users (48.8%) is between 25 and 44, according to Hootsuite. These statistics reveal the massive potential of advertising on Facebook. However, my experience as a digital

E-commerce traffic lights
June 22, 2021
The Complete Guide to eCommerce Support: What You Need to Know to Get Started

How to support eCommerce businesses? E-commerce is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the industry. If you want to enter this space, you need a strong knowledge base of how to provide customer support for online stores. You’ve got an

People shopping online in eCommerce store.
June 21, 2021
Amazon Store Support Management: The Secrets To Successful Support

Support management, a vital part of amazon store owner's business: In this article, we’ll discuss the difficulties associated with running an Amazon store and the best way to overcome them. Growing your Amazon store and reaching a more diverse customer

June 17, 2021
How to Outsource Customer Service? A Simple Guide For Entrepreneurs

What is Outsourcing and How Does It Work Outsourcing is the process of hiring an external service to perform a task or provide a product in place of a product or service that was traditionally provided in-house. When you first

Virtual Assistants doing various tasks.
June 8, 2021
How To Hire A Virtual Assistant? 14 Questions To Ask

Why A Virtual Assistant Is The Perfect Business Partner For Your Online Business? Covid has become a source of boom for online businesses. We have seen support interactions delay just because the backlog was huge and the current support staff

Featured post image for a blog titled "The importance of live chat" on HiredSupport
June 4, 2021
6 Reasons Why Live Chat is Important for Modern Businesses

Table of Contents In the modern world, live chat has transformed the way businesses interact with their customers. Since our attention spans have declined massively, customers expect immediate replies and resolutions. Live chat statistics also reveal the same - the