Top 6 Customer Support FAQ Designs that Improve Revenue (Updated 2024)

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) are a self-help type of customer support. They answers the most repetitive questions a customer may ask, and users may navigate through this section to get the answers for their queries.

Let me explain what I mean by this. 

Businesses deal with customers on a daily basis, and many questions gets repeated. Businesses take note of them and then answer them all under the umbrella of the FAQ section. 

This serves two benefits: 

  • Customers don’t have to go through an extra step of customer support or chat agent to ask questions and then buy a product.
  • Businesses focus on important tasks while ignoring things that can be automated under the FAQ banner.

Let’s expand on it in the coming article. Moreover, depending upon the business you are operating in, I have mentioned some of the customer FAQ templates you can benefit from.

Why Does Every Business Need a Customer Support FAQ Section?

It helps you to increase revenue! Yes, trust me, it does.


I have discussed this in the section below. In addition to this, I have discussed many other aspects as well. 

1 – Increases Revenue

According to a study, 83% of the customers consider good customers as a factor to buy a product or service. This shows that there’s a very high chance that a customer will reach your support team in order to buy a product. 

But what if you answer them during their journey on the website? A customer might need basic concerns answered, but not having a dedicated FAQ may turn the customer into a visitor, and you may lose the chance of making additional revenue.

2 – Fewer Steps in Buying Journey

Buyers have very complex psychological dynamics when it comes to purchasing a product. They don’t want to cross multiple steps before buying a product.

Let’s imagine the persona of a specific buyer:

A person is confused if he needs to buy the product, but somehow convinces himself to make a purchase. He goes through the journey of multiple steps and in the meanwhile, he may get the temptation to bounce-off and not buy it. 

That’s the reason why, across online businesses, we notice less cluttered web pages and fewer steps in the buying process.

Now, let’s compare this scenario with a landing page without FAQs. 

  • Step 1: A person lands on the website.
  • Step 2: Gets mixed intention of buying.
  • Step 3: Loses interest because they have a question. 
  • Step 4: None of the FAQ sections are provided and the person doesn’t want to. to get involved in another step of contacting support.
  • Step 5: Losses interest and bounces back.

So, having a dedicated FAQ section can reduce the chances of customer not buying your product.

3 – Zero Cost, 24/7 Service

When you have included an FAQ section with the most repeated questions, there’s a very high possibility that a customer will read these questions and get himself satisfied instead of reaching your support team.

However, if you don’t have an FAQ and the same person reaches your support team, he will consume the time of your support team that you have hired on a payroll, so essentially consuming this time means losing money on it.

A previously defined FAQ on each page will solve most of the customer questions, and the good part of these FAQs is that they will always be there (24/7) to answer the most repetitive questions of the customers.

In short, you pay zero-dollar for it and it serves 24/7 to answer the questions of a customer.

4 – More Visibility on the Search, More Customers

I want you to find 5 or 6 main keywords that represent your business. For example, if you operate inside the Ecommerce business in the niche of toys, some of the keywords that may represent your business will be: “toys for children”, or “school toys for children”.

Now when I type these keywords into Google, you will see the following FAQ sections:

customer support FAQ example
customer support FAQ example

These are most frequently asked questions from the users, and when you include them on your website inside the customer service FAQ, you will get more visibility on the search and more users.

5 – Support Team Focusing on Better Tasks

Once you have automated the repeated queries with the help of an FAQ section, now less customers will be reaching to ask questions from the customer support. 

This will help you to manage your customer service with efficiency by letting them focus on important queries instead of making them focus on repetitive tasks.

5 Ways How Customer Service Affects Sales With Stats

Top 6 FAQ Design Examples:

Now that you have understood that customer support FAQ definitely has a prime importance when it comes to discussing the buying journey of a user, the next step is to understand how to format these FAQs.

Before starting over the FAQ formats examples, you need to understand the steps behind designing the format of your FAQ section according to the needs of your customers.

Following are the steps you may need to follow:

  • Step 1: Understand the needs of your customers. You can contact the customer support team, take information from them and ask the most repeated questions.
  • Step 2: Categorize these questions into different sections.
  • Step 3: Make sure a proper hierarchy of questions is lined-up, so it doesn’t interrupt the readability of a user.

Cool, now let’s dive into some of the customer support FAQ designs:

1 – Ahrefs Customer Support FAQ

Ahrefs customer support FAQ example

Image Source: Ahrefs


  • Categorizes all the pages customers’ queries into different sections.
  • Easy to navigate.
  • A search bar to reach a specific type of query.


  • Doesn’t answer the questions within the page.
  • Targets multiple types of customers on one type of FAQ.

2 – WhatsApp Customer Support FAQ

whatsapp customer support FAQ example

Image Source: Whatsapp


  • Categorized questions into different sections.
  • Understands different types of customers.
  • Good user experience


  • Customer has to go through multiple clicks to find his answer.

3 – PayPal Customer Support FAQ

paypal customer support FAQ example

Image Source: Paypal


  • One page solution for all the problems.


  • No categories for the question, a user may find it hard to navigate through. 
  • Bad user experience.
  • Questions not divided according to the types of customers.

4 – AWS Customer Support FAQ

AWS customer support FAQ example

Image Source: AWS


  • Categorized questions into different sections.
  • Understands different types of customers.
  • Good user experience


  • No search bar to find the exact question.

5 – Alibaba Customer Support FAQ

alibaba customer support FAQ example

Image Source: Alibaba


  • Categorized questions into different sections.
  • Understands different types of customers.
  • Good user experience
  • One page solution for all types of queries.


  • No search bar to reach the exact question.

6 – Tesla Customer Support FAQ

Tesla customer support FAQ example

Image Source: Tesla


  • Table of contents for all the sections.
  • Categorized questions into different sections.
  • Understands different types of customers.
  • Good user experience
  • One page solution for all types of queries.


  • No search bar to reach the exact question.

Final Words

FAQ is definitely part of good customer experience, but there’s more to it. You need to make sure a lot other aspects of the customer support are also getting done in the right way because all of them have a direct impact on the revenue. 

Furthermore, to make sure that other aspects of the customer experience are intact, you may need to hire the right support team, bear the expense of payroll from your revenue, and face a lot of legal complications as well when hiring a full-time employee. 

However, you can avoid all of these issues by outsourcing your customer support needs to HiredSupport. We take pride in serving the customers and filling their needs, so you don’t lose on the revenue. 

Check out our past clients case studies.

We believe in reducing businesses costs while providing them with the best customer support service possible.

Still unsure? run with us a free trial where we’ll onboard your customer support needs and will let you know how we can improve it.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

It should be short, simple and concise. Your answer should only focus on the question, and don’t write extra information that a person hasn’t asked for.

In short, it should answer the question and solve query.

You should an FAQ section on the website because it saves support team’s time and increases revenue.

FAQs for clients are similar to automated customer support queries. It covers most repeated queries that customers asks, and then businesses can compile them under one section, so they can answer the queries of a user in advance.

It should cover almost 5-10, but there are no limitations.

For example, we have written only three FAQs at the end of this article, however, you can see the brand pages mentioned in the blog has gone way above 20 FAQs as well.


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