Outsource Your Customer Support to the Experts


Outsourced Customer Service Shopify – Boost Sales Now

Top-notch levels of customer service can be the key to success in today’s competitive e-commerce marketplace. In fact, a survey revealed that 89% of businesses compete primarily on customer experience, giving a massive competitive edge to businesses that deliver exceptional support. As a Shopify store owner, you need to stay ahead of the curve without compromising your core business functions. The solution? Outsourced customer service for Shopify. Since third-party Shopify assistance is done by professional customer support providers, outsourcing can streamline your operations, reduce costs, and focus on doing what you do best: growing your business.

Table of Contents

If you’re here, you’re already aware of what Shopify is and how it works. 

In simple words, Shopify is a fantastic platform that makes it simple for entrepreneurs to launch and manage their personalized online stores.

In fact, Shopify has become so famous that it generated $988.6 million in revenue in the first quarter of 2022.

Despite its fame and user-friendliness, however, a lot of Shopify users fail to utilize its full potential.

They focus on increasing sales and revenue solely by investing in marketing, social media, or paid campaigns. 

While all of those are important, providing excellent Shopify store customer service is just as essential as having an attractive, user-friendly store and a decent online presence. 

Expert customer service for e-commerce stores is important because it increases customer retention and brand loyalty, encourages repeat business, and improves brand image.

Most of the time, it isn’t easy managing customer support side by side with the rest of the parameters. 

Moreover, as a business starts to take off, the number of incoming requests also increases. 

In such cases, if response times are slow or there’s inconsistency in the quality of customer service, brand image and customer satisfaction are bound to drop.

In this complete guide, we’ll discuss the ins and outs of Shopify store customer service to help you ensure an enjoyable shopping experience for your customers.

What is Shopify Customer Service

Outsourced Shopify store customer service means third-party support and assistance provided to your customers throughout their shopping experience, from browsing products to receiving orders. 

This includes answering questions, handling complaints, processing returns, and resolving any issues that may arise.

Good customer service for Shopify stores is necessary because it increases customer retention and brand loyalty, encourages repeat business, and improves brand image. 

A Tale From a Personal Shopping Experience

Let me share a recent online shopping experience. I urgently needed a helmet last month since my last one had gotten a little too shabby.

Therefore, I sat on my laptop and got to work, visited multiple websites, saw various products, compared the pricing, read the reviews, and weighed my options. 

Finally, as I was about to buy one from an online store, I wanted to ask if they had the same helmet but in the color I wanted. 

So I approached them through a chat option available on their website. I waited for a response and meanwhile, I surfed the web further for that specific color I was looking for.  

I found the same helmet on another website. I compared the reviews and although this website had fewer reviews for that product, I went ahead and inquired about the color.

The website responded almost immediately and told me that they had the color in stock.

I made a few more inquiries from the live chat agent and ordered the product from them. 

The former website responded hours later and I just excused myself. 

I can swear I wasn’t thinking like a marketer at that moment – I was merely a customer and that company missed out on a sales opportunity.

That’s how important good customer service can be.

Outsource Your Customer Support With Us

The Importance of Good Customer Service

Builds customer trust and loyalty

Good customer service has a direct relation with trust and loyalty among clients. 

When your Shopify store consistently meets or exceeds customer expectations, it creates a sense of reliability and dependability. 

This positive relationship encourages customers to continue purchasing your products, knowing that their needs and concerns will be addressed promptly and effectively. 

Furthermore, loyal customers are more likely to refer your e-commerce business to others, thereby expanding its client base and fostering long-term growth.

Of course, the importance of word-of-mouth referrals cannot be overstated!

Encourages repeat business

Repeat business is the lifeblood of any successful company, and good customer service is a key factor in ensuring that customers come back. 

When customers feel valued and respected, they are more likely to return for future purchases or services. 

Expert customer care for Shopify stores not only increases the store’s revenue but also reduces the cost of acquiring new customers. 

Moreover, repeat customers also help you focus on improving your products and operations rather than constantly investing and seeking new clients. 

Enhances brand reputation

As I’ve mentioned in the first paragraph, Shopify is generating immense revenue. 

This is because of the nail-biting competition between established and rookie brands. 

One of the factors for this competition is customer service. 

Your e-commerce brand reputation can be significantly bolstered by providing exceptional customer service. 

Similarly, it can also get buried among the names of many other brands that failed to grasp the importance of good customer service. 

By addressing customer concerns promptly, offering solutions, and going above and beyond to meet the needs of your customers, you can create a positive image in the minds of consumers.

This, in turn, helps to differentiate the company from competitors and enhances its reputation in the marketplace. 

A strong brand reputation is invaluable, as it attracts new customers and retains existing ones, contributing to the overall success of the store.

Improves customer satisfaction

Nobody can deny the importance of good customer service when it comes to improving customer satisfaction. 

There are various measures that you can use to evaluate your customer satisfaction. 

For example, Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Net Promoter Score (NPS),  and First Contact Resolution (FCR).

Case in point, Hired Support increased the CSAT for their client Healthy Stuff to more than 90%. 

That increase eventually led to an increase in revenue and customer satisfaction! 

Satisfied customers are more likely to spread the word about their positive experiences with a business, generating valuable word-of-mouth marketing. 

Furthermore, satisfied customers are less likely to abandon your products and turn to other competitors, therefore helping to secure the bag for you! 

Outsource Your Shopify Store Customer Service

Reduces negative reviews and complaints

In the world of digital marketing, one of the most important things is social proof.

You can consult any expert marketer and they’ll tell you the same thing – social proof can be the sole make-or-break factor for any online store. 

According to research, over 99.9% of customers shopping online read reviews. 

And the funny thing is about 96% of customers specifically look for negative reviews. That’s because people want to be sure that there’s nothing they’re missing out on! 

Any product that has a higher number of positive reviews has a much, much higher probability of getting sold than a product that has negative ones. 

Plus, in today’s age of social media and online reviews, negative feedback can spread quickly and damage a company’s reputation. 

Here’s where expert customer service comes in. It is crucial for mitigating negative reviews and complaints. 

By addressing issues proactively and ensuring that customers feel heard and valued, Shopify stores can reduce the likelihood of negative reviews. 

Resolving customer complaints in a timely and satisfactory manner also demonstrates your company’s commitment to customer satisfaction, which can help to maintain and even improve your e-commerce store’s reputation.

Essential Components of Shopify Store Customer Service

Clear communication

Effective communication is the foundation of good customer service in a Shopify store. 

Remember the three Ps of e-commerce customer service: Products, pricing, and policies. 

It is crucial to provide customers with accurate and easily understandable information about products, pricing, and policies. 

This can be done by having concise and clear product descriptions, having a well-organized and useful FAQ section, and maintaining transparency in all transactions. 

Also ensure that all communication channels such as email, chat, or phone are readily available for customers to reach out with queries or concerns.

In case you’re falling behind, think about transitioning to outsourced Shopify support without further thought. 

Recommended: The Ultimate Guide to Customer Support Outsourcing 2023

Responsive Support

A quick and efficient response to customer inquiries is a vital component of Shopify store customer service.

If you’ve got an in-house team operating your customer support, ensure that they’re well-equipped to handle inquiries promptly, whether via email, chat, or phone. 

Keep a training program in place that each customer support agent goes through before letting them handle customer inquiries. 

Additionally, implement an efficient ticketing system to further streamline the support process. One of the best ways to provide responsive support is to offer live chat support or chatbots.

Live chat agents provide instant assistance to customers, leading to higher satisfaction rates and better overall service.

In my personal experience that I shared above, live chat support played a drastic role in helping me decide on the product that I wanted. 

Make sure you have an in-house team of live chat agents, or choose a cost-effective outsourced Shopify support.

Outsource Shopify Live Chat Support 

Order Tracking

Providing a good Shopify customer service experience is pretty simple if you think about it. 

You must’ve been a customer at some point in the last month. Think of the things that you wanted on an e-commerce website as a customer. 

Think of the stuff that made the process feel difficult and less smooth. 

Providing customers with the ability to track their orders easily and accurately is one of the best things you could offer on your Shopify store. 

Implement an order tracking system that offers real-time updates and delivery estimates to keep your customers informed about their order status. 

This transparency and proactivity will reduce uncertainty and anxiety for the customer and decrease the number of incoming inquiries for you.

Furthermore, it will be an overall positive experience for your customer. 

Outsourced customer service for Shopify will help implement these minor details that might be ignored by in-house teams.

Easy Returns and Refunds

A straightforward and hassle-free return and refund policy is vital for maintaining customer trust and satisfaction. 

Ensure that your Shopify store has a clear and easily accessible return policy, outlining the process for returns, exchanges, and refunds.

Offer a seamless return process by providing pre-paid shipping labels and detailed instructions. 

A generous return window and prompt refunds can significantly enhance customer satisfaction, encouraging them to shop with your store again.

Proactive Problem-Solving

Anticipating and addressing customer concerns before they arise is a crucial aspect of customer service in a Shopify store. 

Monitor customer feedback and common issues to identify potential areas of improvement in your store’s operations. 

Implement measures to prevent recurring problems, such as better packaging to prevent damage during shipping, or enhancing website functionality to avoid technical issues. 

Proactive problem-solving not only improves the shopping experience but also reduces the strain on your customer support team.

Implementing Effective Customer Service Channels

  • Email support: Offer an easily accessible email address for customers to contact you with questions and concerns. Make sure it is visible 
  • Live chat: Implement a live chat feature on your website to provide real-time assistance. Almost all of the Shopify customer support outsourcing companies offer a live chat feature. 

Outsource Your Shopify Store Live Chat With Us

  • Social media: Utilize social media platforms to engage with customers and address their concerns.
  • Help center: Create a comprehensive FAQ section or knowledge base to answer common customer questions.
  • Phone support: Offer a dedicated phone line for customers to speak with a representative directly.

How Outsourcing Customer Service Shopify Boosts Sales

Outsourcing Shopify customer support can significantly improve the customer experience for various reasons, leading to increased sales and conversions. Here are five key reasons:

24/7 Availability

By outsourcing your Shopify store’s customer support to a competent third-party vendor, you ensure that customers receive assistance around the clock, regardless of their time zone. 

This leads to faster response times and increased customer satisfaction metrics, as the clients don’t have to wait for hours or days to get their queries resolved.

Expertise and Experience

Outsourced customer support companies typically have experienced customer support agents who have expertise in handling customer concerns. 

These representatives go through proper training before they’re hired and are trained to provide efficient and effective resolutions to customers’ issues.

Multilingual Support

Customer support outsourcing solutions enable you to access a diverse pool of talent, including multilingual agents who can communicate with customers in their native language. 

This creates a more personalized and comfortable experience, as your clients will feel more at ease when their concerns are addressed in a language they are more familiar with.

Cost Savings

Remote customer service providers allow businesses to save on operational costs such as recruitment, training, and overheads. 

These cost savings can be used to enhance other aspects of the customer experience, such as investing in better website design, more advanced customer analytics, or new product development.


As your Shopify store grows, the volume of customer inquiries may also increase. 

An outsourced help desk for Shopify can easily scale up or down as needed, ensuring that your business is always equipped to handle customer concerns efficiently. 

This flexibility ensures that your customers consistently receive timely and effective support, enhancing their overall experience with your brand.

Read Further: How Outsourcing Customer Support Benefits Your Business


In conclusion, outsourced Shopify store customer service can provide your e-commerce business with a massive competitive edge. 

By hiring a third-party customer service company, you can provide your customers with clear communication, responsive support, and multiple customer service channels.

These factors combined will ensure that your customers have a positive experience with your store. 

Furthermore, these best practices will not only enhance your store’s reputation but also lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

HiredSupport is a top-rated outsourcing company for outsourced Shopify customer support. Other companies include Helpware, Influx, and SupportNinja. Check out the top 10 customer support outsourcing companies here.

Cost to outsource Shopify customer support: The cost depends on the company, service level, and support volume. It can range from a few hundred dollars per month for basic plans to several thousand dollars for more comprehensive support packages. Request a free quote for your business here.

To find a reliable outsourcing partner, research the company’s reputation, read customer reviews, compare pricing and service offerings, and consider conducting a trial period to evaluate their performance.

Outsourcing Shopify customer support can help you save time and resources, provide 24/7 support, access a larger talent pool, and enhance customer satisfaction through professional and efficient support services.

When done right, outsourcing customer support can improve customer satisfaction, increase sales, and enhance brand reputation. However, poor outsourcing choices may lead to negative customer experiences and impact your store’s success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


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