Outsource Your Customer Support to the Experts


Call Center Outsourcing: How To Do It The Right Way

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The satisfaction of knowing that your customers are getting the help they need, right when they need it cannot be undermined. However, when a business starts to grow, so do the customers and their queries. 

On a small scale, you might be able to handle everything independently, but as you grow, this task can become daunting. That’s when call center outsourcing comes in. 

Imagine a team of experts, equipped with the knowledge of your products & services, ready to help your customers 24/7.

Whether it is in terms of marketing, desk support, customer billings, technical support, etc, these experts go through extensive training.

That’s why, call center outsourcing services are a game changer for any business, as backed by the projection that this market will expand to $14.05 billion by 2025.

This isn’t just the case with call centers, the same goes for all top customer support outsourcing companies that offer other services such as outsourced live chat.

Related read: BPO Customer Service: The New Wave In Business Outsourcing

Why Outsource Call Center Services?

Given the operations of modern businesses, accepting call center outsourcing isn’t just a choice anymore; it has become a strategic necessity. 

By entrusting customer support to external experts, your business gains a profound impact on operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, paving the way for a more streamlined and successful business journey in the long run. 

How do you know it’s time to outsource? 

Simply put, when your customer queries start stretching your team thin, and your business is expanding faster than your customer support can handle, it’s a clear sign. 

Outsourcing call centers become a lifeline during peak seasons or when introducing new products, ensuring customer satisfaction remains high without overwhelming your in-house team.

What can you expect from outsourcing call centers?

It’s a cost-effective customer support. You can say goodbye to in-house customer support costs, resource purchases, and long-lifeless hours of training.

With call center outsourcing, you access top-tier customer support without the financial burden, and can fearlessly invest in other crucial areas of your business.

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You get to expand your workforce dynamically. If you need to scale your operations quickly, call center outsourcing provides the flexibility to expand your workforce seamlessly. 

Whether handling a surge in customer inquiries or launching a new product, outsourcing allows you to tap into a vast pool of qualified agents without the hassle of recruitment, training, and onboarding.

Slam dunk with customized customer solutions. Every business is unique, and so are its customer support needs. 

Outsourcing offers a diverse range of support options, from handling routine queries to managing complex technical issues and more. Customization is key.

You get ample time to focus on your core competencies. Why get bogged down by the intricacies of customer support when you can focus on what you do best? 

Call center outsourcing liberates your internal team from the time-consuming task of managing customer inquiries, letting them concentrate on core business functions. It’s a strategic move that enhances overall efficiency and productivity.

But most of all, call center outsourcing (given that it’s in expert hands) helps you build a better image and benefits you with excellent customer service, good word of mouth, reassuring client reviews, and positive PR, a dream of every business. 

Related read: The Complete Guide To SaaS Customer Support And Success

Key Considerations for Call Center Outsourcing

When it comes to call center outsourcing, success begins with clarity. You need to know the exact success KPIs to achieve your specific business goal.

Here’s something to get you started. 

  • Start by defining your call center outsourcing goals. Are you aiming for cost savings, enhanced customer service, or both? For instance, if you’re a growing startup, your goal might be to enhance customer service to match your expanding clientele, and so on.
  • Second, assess your readiness for this transformative journey. Ensure that your internal processes and team dynamics align with the collaborative nature of this outsourcing. 
  • If your in-house team is well-versed in collaboration, you’re poised for success. If not, it’s time to hone those collaborative moves. Identify the core functions primed for outsourcing while emphasizing tasks that can be handled more efficiently internally.
  • Third, the alignment of processes and team dynamics. Consider both as the backbone of your outsourcing strategy.
    If your team showcases adaptability and a predisposition for efficient collaboration, it enhances the overall operational rhythm, resulting in a successful outsourcing partnership. However, if there is a misalignment in workflows or resistance to change, it may lead to operational disruptions and hinder the overall collaboration. 
  • Lastly, identify your core functions. Suppose your business excels in product development but faces challenges in managing the influx of customer service inquiries. Call center outsourcing allows your internal team to shine where they’re strongest, ensuring a seamless performance by both internal and outsourced teams, which plays a crucial part in the overall business production.

Related Read: How Inbound Call Center Services Improve Businesses 

How to Choose the Ideal Call Center Outsourcing Partner

Look for the right components

The ideal partner should seamlessly integrate with your business objectives, ethics, and values.

Look for companies that are aligned with your goals, whether it’s a focus on cost efficiency, specialized skills, or a global presence. 

Consider their track record, expertise, and technological capabilities. The best way to do that is to prepare a list of questions that can help you assess where they stand. 

Filter through your options

With a sea of call center outsourcing companies, shortlisting demands a keen eye. Begin by assessing their reputation. Seek out reviews, testimonials, and case studies. 

Evaluate their experience in your industry, ensuring they comprehend the nuances of your business landscape.

Shortlist those with proven success stories, narrowing your options to those that align with your specific needs.

Considerations in the decision-making process

Several key considerations should guide your path as you delve into the decision-making process. 

  • Cultural fit is more than a buzzword; it’s the foundation of a successful partnership.
  • Assess how well the outsourcing company aligns with your values and work culture.
  • Evaluate their communication protocols – smooth interaction is key to overcoming potential challenges. 
  • Analyze their flexibility and scalability, ensuring they can adapt to your evolving business requirements.

Financial Transparency

As this market is saturated, you should always seek financial transparency as one of the standards when choosing your outsourcing partner.

Seek partners with a transparent pricing structure, avoiding hidden costs that could jeopardize your budget. 

Non-Negotiable Factors

  1. A robust technological infrastructure, compatible with your systems
  2. Adherence to industry regulations and compliance standards
  3. Commitment to quality assurance protocols
  4. Disaster recovery planning for unforeseen disruptions
  5. Adherence to data security measures

Related read: How To Outsource Your Customer Support And Live Chat

In-house Tools to Manage an Outsourced Contact Center 

If you want to optimize your call center operations, ensure efficient customer service, and stay ahead of customer interactions, leveraging these in-house is a must. 

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System:

CRM centralizes customer data for streamlined interactions, enhancing personalized service i.e., Crateio, Salesforce, SysAid, etc.

This system ensures improved customer satisfaction, efficient data management, and tailored customer experiences.

Customized Data Analytics Tools:

They are used to analyze internal data to gain insights into operations, performance, and customer trends for informed decision-making, strategic planning, and continuous process improvement.

Quality Management Systems:

These systems monitor and enhance service quality through tailored, internal quality assessment processes that help with improved service standards, compliance adherence, and continuous improvement.

NICE CXone Quality Management, Calabrio Quality Management, Verint Monet Quality Management, etc. are just a few of many. 

Employee Performance Monitoring Tools:

Track and evaluate agent performance through internal monitoring systems to support targeted training, and enhanced productivity.

Internal Communication Platforms:

Facilitate seamless communication within the organization for real-time updates (Microsoft Teams/Slack, etc.) which will enhance collaboration, boost quick issue resolution, and improve team coordination.

Workflow and Process Automation Software:

How to Use: Automate routine tasks and workflows for increased operational efficiency.

Benefits: Time savings, reduced errors, and improved overall workflow productivity.

Project Management Tools:

Utilization of tools such as Trello, Asana, Jira, etc. help organize, track, and manage projects, ensuring timely and efficient execution for streamlined project delivery.

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Five Common Myths About Call Centers (Debunked)

Loss of Control Over Quality

Many fear that outsourcing means waving goodbye to quality control. But it’s quite the opposite.

Outsourced call centers often have stringent quality measures and continuous training programs.

With the right partner, you can actually gain more control through advanced monitoring tools and detailed performance reports, ensuring your standards are not just met but exceeded.

Only Large Companies Benefit

There’s a common misconception that call center outsourcing is a game only big players can play.

Not true! Small and medium-sized businesses can also reap significant benefits.

Outsourcing provides access to expertise and technology that might be too costly to develop in-house, making it a smart move for businesses of any size seeking to expand their customer service capabilities without breaking the bank.

It’s Impersonal

Some think that outsourcing equals a one-size-fits-all approach, stripping away the personal touch.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Many outsourcing firms specialize in tailoring their services to reflect a company’s brand and values, training agents to handle calls as if they were right in your own office.

This means your customers still get that warm, personalized experience they love.

Language and Cultural Barriers

The worry about language and cultural misalignments is a big one. However, global outsourcing firms are increasingly multilingual and culturally diverse.

They invest heavily in training their staff to understand the nuances of different cultures and languages, ensuring smooth, effective communication with your customers.

It’s Only About Cost-Saving

While saving money is a key benefit, reducing outsourcing to just a cost-cutting tool is a narrow view.

Outsourcing can drive innovation in your customer service, bring in specialized skills, and allow you to scale rapidly.

It’s not just about cutting costs; it’s about adding value and enhancing your overall customer experience.


In short, the ultimate purpose of getting an outsourced call center is to enhance your customer experience.

Whether outsourcing entire departments or specific tasks, maintaining consistent service quality is paramount.

Remember, as your team expands, communication can get tricky but it’s not just about tasks; it’s about keeping a great customer experience, and highlighting your dedication to excellent service with the right outsourcing partners. 

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What are the main benefits of outsourcing a call center?

Outsourcing your call center mainly helps cut costs. But there’s more.

You get access to experts who handle customer calls all day, every day, which means better service for your customers. It also frees up your team to focus on what they do best, whether that’s making products or offering other services.

How does call center outsourcing affect customer satisfaction?

If done right, outsourcing can make your customers happier. The key is choosing a call center that trains its staff well and understands your business. They can handle customer queries efficiently and in a friendly way, making them happy customers.

What should I look for in a call center outsourcing partner?

Look for someone who gets what your business is about and has a track record of good customer service.

Make sure they use the latest tech for handling calls and have a team that can speak your customers’ language. It’s also smart to check how they train their staff and what other businesses say about them.

Can small businesses benefit from call center outsourcing?

Absolutely! Even if you’re small, outsourcing can be a big help. It lets you offer professional customer service without hiring a whole team.

This means you can compete with bigger companies but still keep your costs low.

How to manage quality control in outsourced call centers?

Stay in the loop. Regularly check in with your outsourcing partner and look at the reports they send.

Make sure they know what’s important for your business and your customers. It’s all about good communication and setting clear standards from the start.

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