Outsource Your Customer Support to the Experts

9 Best Help Desk Software in 2024
March 19, 2024
9 Best Help Desk Software of 2024 That You Should Know About

As a leading helpdesk outsourcing company, we’ve tested loads of help desk software and compiled this list based on what we’ve learned. Recently, I had conversations with my co-workers, customer support representatives, and managers to understand which software they prefer

Top 10 Live Chat Support Outsourcing Companies
April 1, 2024
Top 10 Live Chat Support Outsourcing Companies (Updated 2024)

Outsourcing your live chat support is the best way to reduce costs. In fact, my estimations show that if you are operating in the US., you will save 81.65% by outsourcing your support to HiredSupport. Further, these companies have years

Hire live chat agents.
September 8, 2021
Hire Live Chat Agents: The Best Way To Get More Customers

Running a business is hard. You need to make sure your website looks great, create an enticing marketing campaign, and keep up with the latest trends in your industry. But there is one thing you can do that will make

February 10, 2022
The 10 Best Live Chat Software 2023 Reviews

What is Live Chat Software Live chat software helps provide customers with instant responses, automate customer support with the help of a chatbot, and consequently, increase conversions. It is added to a website in the form of code, which displays

Featured image for a blog titled "The Great Chatbot Debate - Do Consumers Really Want Them"
June 16, 2022
The Great Chatbot Debate: Do Consumers Really Want Them?

Table of Contents Chatbots are the newest trend in customer service, as several large companies have started using them to answer basic questions about their products and services. You must've used them as well without realizing because they're getting smarter

Animated image of benefits of outsourcing live chat agents by HiredSupport
March 15, 2023
Benefits of Outsourcing Live Chat Agents for Customer Support

The modern world thinks fast, reads fast and acts fast. Similarly, it also expects quick solutions to its problems. According to a report, 60% of consumers between the ages of 18 to 34 use live chat on a daily basis.

Blog image for blog titled "10 proven strategies to be a successful live chat agent"
June 4, 2021
10 Proven Strategies to Become a Successful Live Chat Agent

Table of Contents In the rapidly evolving digital world, the role of a live chat agent has become more pivotal than ever. These agents not only represent the business but also drive customer satisfaction and business growth. Studies have shown

Featured post image for a blog titled "The importance of live chat" on HiredSupport
June 4, 2021
6 Reasons Why Live Chat is Important for Modern Businesses

Table of Contents In the modern world, live chat has transformed the way businesses interact with their customers. Since our attention spans have declined massively, customers expect immediate replies and resolutions. Live chat statistics also reveal the same - the

Customer interacting with the Facebook messenger.
March 24, 2020
Outsource Your Facebook Messenger Ad Interactions To Us!

Facebook Ads now allow you to direct a potential client directly to your messenger where you can interact with them and offer them direct communication with your business. This is a great way to get the conversation going with a

Customer support agents working towards improving satisfaction ratios.
March 24, 2020
24×7 Customer Support improves customer satisfaction

Customer Support can define a good business from a great business. Are you available 24×7 to answer your potential customer’s questions? If not, you may be missing sales. By not offering live support 24×7, you cut off those customers who might

Live chat agents working toward increasing conversion ratio.
March 24, 2020
Live Chat Support Increases Conversion Rates

Live chat services can increase your revenues. This is a fact. A potential customer may land on your website and have questions or comments about a product or service before they buy it. It’s crucial to them that they get

An animation of a person depicting live chat KPIs
May 8, 2022
5 Ways to Maximize Success Through Live Chat KPIs

Table of Contents As the world is evolving so is interacting with the customers. The world has become a global village and companies now are leaning towards digital means for their customer experience. You'll be glad to hear that 62%

Featured image for blog titled Latest Chatbot Statistics and Facts 2023
May 25, 2023
50 Latest Chatbot Statistics and Facts in 2023

Chatbot statistics reveal a significant increase in user engagement and acceptance of chatbot technology. With 1.4 billion people using messaging apps and expressing willingness to interact with chatbots, businesses have recognized the potential. B2B companies lead the adoption of chatbots,

Featured image for a blog titled How Chatbots Will Transform Customer Service Featured Image
June 12, 2023
How Chatbots Will Transform Customer Service and Chat Support

Customer service is an underrated but crucial aspect of any business, as it directly impacts customer satisfaction and loyalty. With the advancements in technology, chat support has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing customer experiences. In recent years, chatbots,

Live chat conversion ratios
June 16, 2022
The Impact of Live Chat on Conversion Ratios

Customer service agents are turning to live chat to make their companies more efficient, streamline their support teams, and serve customers better overall. This approach has its benefits and drawbacks but ultimately can be quite helpful to your business if

Different chat greetings in English
May 7, 2022
The Top 10 Chat Greetings

You might be surprised to learn that hi and hello are not the only chat greetings in the world. There are lots of chat greetings you can use, some with hidden meanings and some with regional variations! In this post,

A person showing productivity by having a lot of tasks
May 8, 2022
How to Outsource Live Chat Operators for Maximum Productivity

Maximizing Live Chat Operators' Productivity By Outsourcing Them Live chat operators are an easy way to improve your customer service and increase sales without adding full-time staff or hiring temporary help. But how do you know how many live chat

Social media post icons and laptop with mouse and headphones flowing
July 25, 2021
The Best Ways to Get Professional Social Media Chat Support

Social media is an extremely powerful tool to grow your business. It has the power to get you in front of millions of people and allow you to start conversations with them. But what do you do when there's a